Maybe The Coolest Gaming PC Ever


Diy Wooden Vinyl Player


Cool Wall PC

Wall Mounted, Water Cooled PC  Built over the course of two years, this machine is optimised for gaming, 3D rendering/modelling and audio production. All components are mounted to a frame covered in a carbon fiber sticker for a clean look. All cables and soldering are routed to circuit boxes at the rear, and a conduit running from the base of the frame to the floor ensures that cables are minimally seen. RGB LEDs are placed underneath the baseplate of each component, and waterblocks and fans were drilled/rewired to fit custom LEDs, all of which are combined into one independent circuit powered directly by the PSU and controlled...

84-inch UHD TV

84-inch UHD TV...

The Thermaltake Core P5

The Thermaltake Core P5 is an open frame, mid-tower chassis with a transparent front and uncovered sides, so you can watch all your hardware at work from any angle. You’re not restricted to mounting it up walls, either, with detachable components that you can use to lay it down flat or upright like a regular....

Cool PC

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